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Baby's funny phobia ____________________________________________________ ![]() "Our toddler is terrified of pot holders, especially these two blue ones. Each time I try to take something hot out of the oven, I have to distract our son so he won't see the 'blue monsters.'" -- Faith, Connecticut "Our 2-year-old daughter hates bubbles. My husband discovered this a year ago when he blew a bubble with his gum. She immediately became hysterical. Now, more than a year later, she's still leery of gum chewers." -- Melissa, Iowa "One day while walking with my son, I noticed a beautiful butterfly. When I eagerly pointed it out to him, he started screaming and immediately ran to hide. I couldn't believe it. My little boy was afraid of butterflies. I laughed so hard, I had tears in my eyes!" -- Jaime, Florida "My 10-month-old is terrified of pine trees. Any time he sees one, he'll cling to me or whoever is carrying him and bury his little face to cry." -- Melizza, Illinois "Our toddler is afraid of aluminum foil and the sound it makes when I crumple it up to throw it away. Whenever he sees it in our kitchen, he makes a pout, which quickly turns into a wail!" -- Sara, New Jersey "Our baby is scared of our door stopper. Anytime he sees it, he cries so hard he can hardly catch his breath. Now he's carefully crafted his daily crawling path to avoid this scary spot." -- Susan, Florida "My 1-year-old is afraid of his grandmother's old-fashioned rotary telephone. Whenever we visit her and her phone rings, he cries and tries to run away. Though he gets very upset, it's actually pretty comical." -- Kristyle, Arkansas "My daughter is deathly afraid of our vacuum cleaner. As soon as I turn it on, she gets a fearful look in her eyes and slowly moves away from it. However, once the vacuum has been turned off, she'll walk around it, examining every inch. She's fearless as long as it's silent." -- Dee, Texas Originally published in American Baby magazine, November 2005. |