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mylife mystyle recent perks
rommies of my life
reading .N.O.T.E.S. |
Easter Sunday ____________________________________________________ Today is a great day. Somehow I felt my faith is totally renewed. This is very first time in my whole life that I could really feel Jesus's love for everyone, including me. The sacrifice that He made on the cross was really that wonderful, proclaimed by those who had experience it. "That wonderful" meaning no words could express my overwhelmed feeling. I am really grateful that I turned up for today's sunrise service (first time in my whole lifetime) and Easter service.
I am also glad that I did not fall asleep in both of today's service cos I did not sleep the last night. I was in church for my pcm's retreat the whole night. We had bbq marshmallow at 12 plus. muahahaha. Supposed to sleep at 4, but did not get to sleep. That's a story for another time. So I went up to the attic when the sky is still dark. It was quite a nice feeling having quite substantial number of God-loving people there. I was quite surprise to see Minghui there. Later on, I found out he walked from home to the sunrise service. I am soooo soo surprise. His house is not really that near to church. Anyway, there's one thing I learn today which I don't think I'll ever forget. Last time I used to wonder how come Good Friday is good when Jesus died? How can a person die be a good thing. Well, today my pastor somehow answered my question. Friday is good because Sunday is coming. My heart just melted. It's simple and true. He talked about the basis of our faith. "If Jesus died and never resurrect, what ever we do will be useless. The money we spend on church building, the time missionaries spend overseas will mount up to nothing." In my heart, I was like "True! True!". "In other religions, people are trying to do things to reach God. But in Christianity, Jesus is God's way of reaching people." I am not trying to say the bad things of other religion. But my heart really moved when this sentence was said. I guess no human will be able to love us the way God love us. His love is perfect. |