

rommies of my life




I spent the whole day playing game instead of doing work. They are very fun, and I can't stop playing.

The first one which I'll like to introduce is the GROWTH series.

Growth RPGGrowth V3Growth Cube

These games are very interesting. You could input any element at any step, and it'll give you different results. There's is only one sequence that could make all the levels of the elements maximum. I took quite a while to figure all three of them. The result of the element being "fully grown" is super nice. My favourite result is the cube one. Very nice!!

The second one I'll like to introduce is The Doors. It is something like Crimson room and Viridian Room. And a new one which I am playing now, White Chamber. I just found another Blue Chamber, haha. But I think the graphics in The Doors is nicer. The ending is quite "duh!!", but still... the graphics and music is better than the original (Crimson Room).

See, this is what I've been doing today. I should be doing work!! I guess it's the Vesak Day Holiday's influence. Hah.

ju at 12:12 AM on May 12, 2006



I dunno.. Just disappeared today. Maybe their system crushed. haha.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:17 AM  

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