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mylife mystyle recent perks
remember those times
rommies of my life
reading .N.O.T.E.S. |
simply no longer . . . . ____________________________________________________ Recently I did a lot of thinking and today I arrived at a few conclusion. Those thinking was like so extreme that I started thinking "why am I thinking so much?". Shouldn't life be much more simplier than this? Life need not be that complex, humans just made it even more complicated.
Then I realised that it should have been jansen. haha. (maybe I should not put all the blame on him). I remembered those days when I was about to have arguements with him, it gotta prepare myself wayyy beforehand, or I'll definitely loss the battle. Somehow or other he had taught me to anticipate before I enagage with the other party. Last night I had a tiff with my friend. Then I was thinking of how to approach the problem in a neutral manner and yet letting him know the problem. But my conclusion was to stay away from him... I guess... Just about then, the gym played this song, Natalie Imbruglia's TORN. The lyrics of the song seemed to reflect what I was feeling then. I am surprised too. Haiz.. why must life be so complex. But quite happy that I thought through some stuff today. Life's a BITCH ____________________________________________________ Life's a bitch sometimes. I think my life have been rather screwed up recently cos I have no goals, no aim, nothing, like a ship without direction. No principles probably. Haiz...
Anyway just bump into some old fotos, those yr 1 fotos with candice and jansen. Fotos of us in tif and millenia walk. Can you imagine that, that was like so many years ago and we used to be soooo young. I really miss those days hanging out with you guys. Life is so much simplier for me cos both of you did most of the analysis for me. haah. Once again I started thinking too much. What if I am still with you guys? What will happen to me? Will me and jansen end earlier or never end at all? How different will our relationship be? Will I still have the passion for designing or will I be jaded like some of them? blah blah. This chain of thoughts will never end. But something's for sure. The fotos evoked feelings that I have not felt for a long time, memories that had long forgotten.... Cheat ____________________________________________________ Yesterday my friend was telling me how he cheated on his gf. He even gave me explicit and visual details which I totally do not need or want to know. He was asking for my advice and as usual I try to get him back on the right track, by putting his gf first on his mind. I tried to give him some practical stuff to "reconcile" with his gf even though she has not know the truth.
One thing that really touches my heart is renewing bonds with her. I told him that he should renew the bonds that he has with his gf in all sense if not things might turn quite bad. Then I started thinking renewing bonds. Shouldn't I do the same with my heavenly daddy too? I have been rather disobedient, and at times cheated on HIM too. I do not have the courage to turn back as I felt very guilty. Temptations of cheating on HIM are very strong and I have been giving in to it, til the point whereby I hid myself from HIM. I did some reflection last night as I did not go out. I guess it is a good thing that my friend came and ask me for advice. Cos I did my reflection and I want to renew my bonds with HIM too. And today I did it. I have not felt so empowered during service for a long long time. I think I can continue the journey with HIM again (if he allows). heh. schnook timeout - Episode 2 ____________________________________________________ (Party edition)
A and B goes into supermarket to get drinks for the upcoming party. A: I think we should get packet drinks. B: Aaaa. Not bad. But we bought cups already. We should get bottled drinks. A: Do we have ice. B: No. A: The drinks won't be nice if they are not cold. B: We can always get SPRITE ICE then we don't need ice already, cos it is already icy. what I dislike most about WORK! ____________________________________________________ Lazy bum bum in my office……. I am now complaining from my office. One of my collegue job is to support a sales man. In the end she is so lazy that the sales person has to support her in terms of paper work (meaning her job scope).
Then just now she still have the face to ask me do the salesman quotation while she went to play golf. Best already. While I am here busy doing the rest of my work (supporting the rest of the people, including her own salesman). Now I decided to stop awhile and complain.. haha my BABY's DYING T~T ____________________________________________________ Think last night my com crashed.
Now trying to fix it. But like cannot. So sad... All the STUFF will be gone - my calendars!!, my pictures!!! , my favourite links !!! , and all the stuff. Sad... Can't backup at all.. June 2005 ____________________________________________________ Finally finished my calendar again. haha.
CE People, there is some important dates to take note!! ![]() June 2005 so LOVED!!! ____________________________________________________ Today I felt so loved.
I went out with lishan and rye today. I felt so loved by them. They got me pressie, even though it is long overdue, it is the thought that counts. We were are little matchgirl and I told them I like the school bag from there. They bought it for me in the end. Initially I wanted the beige one, but it is sold out all around Singapore. In the end, they got me the white one, which they think is nicer than the beige. haha. I gotta take extra care of it. Because it is WHITE. Rye, u should take care of your white bag too. Love you girls, *MUACKSSS* . New bag for new sem. hehe. bi-SPECTACLES ____________________________________________________ Yesterday, PQ and me went to collect our new spectacles. And yes, we finally made our spectacles after 1.5 sems of plain talking and looking around. hah. I got my plastic frame while PQ did not manage to get a suitable plastic one. Maybe the shape of her face is just not suitable for thick frame? Now I am wearing my new frame while writing this post, trying to get used to it too. hah. Cos it is very wide and I am not used to it even though the degrees did not increase at all. It even decrease slight. *happy*
When I met PQ, I asked her if she wants to go Liquid Room later, cos I gotta leave at around 8.30 and Samantha says she is not coming. So I thought it will be better for us to go together. But in the end Samantha turned up with Mark. I was very very surprised. But in the end, we cannot find appropriate shoes for PQ so she did not go.. :( .. Another funny thing happen yesterday. But it is a slightly long story. It dates back to 1st June 2005. That day I received my results and was rather sad. Other stuff also screwed up like 1> Screwed up the only template for a particular file. (long story but I still think I screwed it up even though I am not the one who saved the spoilt file) 2> I made major mistakes while doing purchase order *$$$*. (Sharon's not around that day, so I gotta help her do.) 3> Received my results - thought it was quite screwed. But in the end, I realised I calculated wrongly haha. (thanks to idiot but by the time I commited something I should not do.) But then again I think my results are not spectacular too. 4> Wanted to pass my friend the cheesecake that I baked. In the end my dearest dad ate up the piece that I purposefully left for my friend. Of all pieces, he took that particular piece and there are no other pieces as big. 5> Went out to meet my friend and was getting late. The lift just left my level according to the screen. It shows 17.. ( I took lift from that level) 6> Went to bus stop, before crossing the road, the bendy bus left me!! SMRT bus gotta wait for very long time. :( 7> Reached there, I think I needed Chocolates as buffer for the day. I could not find B&J ice-cream at all. I walked through ShopNsave, 7-11, NTUC, all did not have B&J. So I took a subsitute, dreyer's chocolate cake (it is nice!!). I shared with my friend and I ate 1/2 a tub? 8> At night, the stomach's feeling cold, due to overdosage of ice-cream. Diarrhea. The next day diarrhea continues and I did not go work at all. This is the conclusion of the bad day. The funny thing is, I told Amy (my collegue) about it and she told me that what I did was bad for health. Quite true also. But yesterday, the whole company ordered ice-cream cos it was half price. 9 bucks for 2 tubs. It turn out to be Dreyer's ice-cream. My dearest Amy bought one tub for me. And guess what. She bought chocolate cake for me. See... Haizz. But I told her I would not be going home straight. So she had no choice but to bring it home. Heh. Xp I went Liquid Room after picking up my specs and dinner with my friends. Meet Idiot after his work. He kept suaning me saying that I looked 30. (cos I am in formal wear and I did not go home after work) Imagine I go Liquid Room with him, it will seemed as if I bring a kiddo out and look look see see. It just made myself looked very old. That idiot still laugh at me... T-T ... But I won't cry, never cry in front of idiot. Anyway that's about it. haha. Cheerios. *lost* ____________________________________________________ fallen into the deepest depth of the ocean
but could not see where i am everywhere's dark no light, no oxygen, nothing... where am i? trying to find myself, trying very hard indeed but is totally overwhemled by surrounding darkness, emptiness... where am i? time seemed to have paused eternally but it is just an illusion!!! time and milieu have schemed against me just like the rest of the world... where can i stay? time and milieu have abandoned me but only lonliness is here to stay accompanying me through the era of pain eternally .. vowed never to leave me ever. does it matter where i am? |