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mylife mystyle recent perks
remember those times
rommies of my life
reading .N.O.T.E.S. |
Try this at home ____________________________________________________ This is rather interesting. I am wondering is it pre-programmed by the google peps purposely. Hah. But it is rather interesting.
1) Open Google website. 2) Search for failure 3) Click "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. What do you get? Must be feeling quite lucky rite? There's another one which you can try. Search for french military victories and weapons of mass destruction. Cheerios!!! *complain* *complain* *complain* ____________________________________________________ Today wanna complain lotsa stuff. I am rather irritated now.
Firstly is the noise from downstairs. It's like noise pollution since I came home from school. I can't concentrate at all. Initially I wanna do my geotech, but I can't. It is so noisy... mmmmm ... mmm. mmmmm... mmmm.. Buzzing all the way. Irritated. But then again, I realised that it is coming from a funeral. I shldn't complain too much. But still, very noisy!!! :( Secondly, my hair's killing me. Now I can't tie my hair to school. The fringes are too short to be clip upon. They are performing on my face like some cabaret dancers. Kept swaying here there everywhere, not wanting to keep still at all. I can't handle them. Irritated. Felt like cutting them all away, but it wont be nice. I dislike even short fringe, cos they promoted pimple plantation. Irritated. There are still other stuff I am bothered about, but I shant complain about them. Cos it is the usual stuff and it is not nice to complain too much about it. Irritated!!!! Ethical Pornographers? ____________________________________________________ In a world in which rock stars can set themselves up, and actually have people accept them, as moral authorities, it is hardly surprising that pornography has become a charitable activity.
Two young Norwegians, Tommy Hol Ellingsen and Leona Johansson, make pornographic films of themselves, which they sell to subscribers over the Internet for about $20 per month. They hand over 80 percent of the money, so they say, to charities that work to preserve the world’s rain forests. They call their enterprise "Fuck For Forest." In the first six months of its operation, it received a subsubsidy from the Norwegian government—though to be fair, the grant was given only on the knowledge that the couple envisioned an "alternative" approach to ecological charity work. The word "alternative," it seems, is sufficient to loosen Norway’s public purse strings. FFF went too far, however, when its founders performed their charitable duties at a rock concert at Kristiansand, in front of an audience of thousands. They wound up before a court, which tolerantly did not impose a prison sentence, even though Ellingsen exposed himself to the judge (in front, also, of several cameras). The court fined the couple about $1,200 each. These ethical pornographers said that they started FFF because existing environmental groups were too much business and not enough fun, said Ellingsen, who seems to be the couple’s main thinker. At the concert, Ellingsen asked the audience, "How far are you willing to go to save the planet?" After the trial, he said that Norway was a little country, whose prime minister was a clergyman who didn’t like jokes about public decency. Thereafter, FFF (the spiritual descendents of Henrik Ibsen) decamped for Germany. More than 50 years ago, Freidrich Hayek wrote that a social conscience might be but a mask for individual selfishness and license: one’s own personal conduct, after all, can scarcely compete in importance with the fate of the world. Ellingsen turns Hayek’s proposition inside out, complaining that his public sex act worried more people than did the destruction of the rain forests. In other words, either one favors Ellingsen having sex in public, or one favors the destruction of the rain forests: no other possibility exists. By this rhetorical blackmail, it is possible to push back the frontiers of the permissible indefinitely, for once a man has declared himself to be doing something for the sake of a good cause, his actions are beyond criticism. Thus the expression of the right opinions becomes the whole of virtue. The more general and more generous-sounding they are, the better the person uttering them. If his opinions are correct enough, he finds himself completely exonerated from the need to refrain from doing anything he wishes. We are but a hair's breadth away from Necrophiliacs Against Infant Mortality and Sadistic Murderers Against Famine. Bambi Effect ____________________________________________________ The Bambi Effect is an informal name used primarily by hunters and trappers for the emotional impact of the harvesting of animals which the public considers adorable, regardless of what the opponents consider are environmental and economic realities. The name comes from the film Bambi, where an emotional highpoint is the death of the lead character's mother at the hands of human hunterss.
A classic example is the reaction of the seal pup hunt in Canada. While the hunt for the profitable white fur that seal pup was done for generations, the situation radically changed in the 1970s when the species received considerable mass media attention. For much of the general public, harp seal pups with their white fur and liquid black eyes looked so innocent and adorable that the footage of hunters harvesting them by bludgeoning to death to avoid damaging the fur was considered horrific. Hunters were frustrated that arguments in their favour could not compete against this kind of emotional response. Today, mindful of the public sentiment presented in protests and boycotts, the hunting of harp seal below a certain age and clubbing them to death is banned. Canadian law now requires them to be shot instead, but this law is not enforced. DODO ____________________________________________________ The Dodo is a lesson in extinction. First sighted around 1600 on Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean, the Dodo was extinct less than eighty years later.
Thus while the skeleton (above) on view in the Museum is real, the model (below) is not, as there are no complete Dodo specimens. Some of the birds may have been eaten by the Dutch sailors who discovered them. However, the primary causes of their extinction were the destruction of the forest (which cut off the Dodo's food supply), and the animals that the sailors brought with them, including cats, rats, and pigs, which destroyed Dodo nests. The Dodo's stubby wings and heavy, ungainly body tell us that the bird was flightless. Moreover, its breastbone is too small to support the huge pectoral muscles a bird this size would need to fly. Yet scientists believe that the Dodo evolved from a bird capable of flight into a flightless one. When an ancestor of the Dodo landed on Mauritius, it found a habitat with plenty of food and no predators. It therefore did not need to fly, and, as flying takes a great deal of energy, it was more efficient for the bird to remain on the ground. Eventually, the flightless Dodo evolved. * * * * * Well, a stupid idiot always scolds DODO and so happen I pass by a webby and I thought it is interesting to share with others. Poor DODO became extinct due to human. So poor thing. See below for the picture. So Cute rite? But So poor thing... Extinct already. ![]() learning to let go . . . ____________________________________________________ I guess there is lotsa things in life that I gotta learn to let go. When it is time to say goodbye, I have to say. When it is not yours, whatever you do, or hope for will be of no point.
A few hours ago, I clicked on Candice's blog and suddenly remember that Jan is indeed flying off very soon - 4 days more. He won't be back til next year. So there is no way I can see him in this period of time. There won't be accidentally bump into him in canteens, no more accidentally bump into him in library. There also won't have any meet up with him anymore. I wonder how would this half a year change us even more. Even though last wednesday I did meet up with him and Candice, the feeling is still not those positive kind. I dunno how to explain. But it is definitely not anti-jan that kinda feeling. Maybe I'll write him something before he flies off, but what would he thinks? Actually I am still rather confused. Or maybe, I just dunno what to feel? Gotta let go . . . . Grand-daddy's health is getting worse. There is nothing I can do. I don't really dare to face him anymore. Because I do not know what to say to him. It is just a month. And he needs an oxygen tank to survive now. Someone send the "life-support" system over today. I really do not want to let go. I really want to spend more time with him, but I do not know what to say. Even if I talk to him now, I think my Grand-mummy won't be happy too. She always thinks that I talked too much to my grand-daddy and caused him to be out of breath. Now how... he even need oxygen tank. Today when I saw him using the rubber tube, it just hurts me so much. The grand-daddy whom I spend my childhood with, the BEST story-teller in the world. I am going to loss him forever soon enough. Though I neglected him ever since I went into JC, I do think about him often. Always tell myself that I will accompany him and grand-mummy during holidays, but I never did. I am really a fool to think that I have MY whole lifetime to spend more time with them. But I am wrong. Totally wrong. . . I gotta let him go soon.... Today lab time slot is also out. The transport lab is rather late into the semester which I really did not like. None of my friends are with me for one of the labs. One of my friends should be having the same timing with me, but I guess Raymond did not allow. I am shy... how??? Truth be told, I am really shy. I am currently feeling scared of the "all alone lab". What can I do? Gotta let go of my shyness and be independent. . . Club MOMO vs ONYX ____________________________________________________ Club Momo is in the papers again. Have anyone heard about ONYX ?
Both clubs opened around the same time. However more people have heard about club MOMO than ONYX. Many of my friends have been to MOMO and they claimed that it is not that spectacular. The music is bad, the speakers bad, etc etc. In conclusion it is not a great place. ONYX, on the other hand, has great music, and they do bring down good acts (comparable to ZOUK) on saturdays. The music on normal days are good too. Why not much people noticed about ONYX? It all boils down to the publicity. MOMO has great publicity mainly due to one of the boss called Robin Leong. Yes! He is the guy we used to see on TV for Triple 9 and some chinese show. I am so glad that I do not see him on TV anymore. He can't act. Anyway back to the topic, he used to be from the media industry, it is easier for him to get people down, to "EXPOSE" the place to the eye of the media. That's why a lot of people go MOMO. They heard about it, thinking is damned cool to be there. Somehow blinds them from noticing bad music, bad speakers, blah blah. But poor ONYX on the other hand, has terrible publicity. They only publicized about their saturday nights. And do you know where they publicized? The only prints they have is on JUICE ONLY!!! And they are very dependent on the customers of ONYX. They provide invites on the TABLE. Can you BELIEVE it???? Conclusion, they only depend on customers to attract more customers. Sucky publicity right? Poor Onyx got good music also no use. Not much people are there the push the high-ness of the place. Great music, but no mood to dance. ONYX can you pleaaassee do something about it???? And pleeaassee set up your webby, I do not want to find some Environmental waste company webby instead of the wonderful CLUB ONYX. If you need help in setting up webby, I can help. ;) Parable of the Rich Fool ____________________________________________________ Luke 12:13-21
Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replied, "Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?" Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Misunderstandings 1) Rich man is not a fool because he is rich 2) Rich man is not a fool because he is dishonest or lazy 3) Rich man is not a fool because he eat drink and be merry Why is Rich Man a fool then? 1) Life revolves around I, Me, Mine. (e.g. my crops, my barns, my grains, my goods) 2) He lives for the moment and not for eternity. 3) He thought he will have a lot of time, little did he know that he's going to die tonight. You Know What I Did This Summer ____________________________________________________ This vacation is coming to an end and I am quite glad that I accomplished some stuff.
Above are the more interesting stuff that I have done in the holiday. But all in all, I have been working. Haha Tomorrow is the start of new semester and I shall learn from Kel and be a model student, or shld I say aspiring model student (aspiring to be a model student but never is) haha. |