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mylife mystyle recent perks
remember those times
rommies of my life
reading .N.O.T.E.S. |
New Love INterest ____________________________________________________ I just had my reunion dinner, we had steamboat plus hotplate. Then I saw some dried cuttlefish on one of the plates. I started wondering why it was there, cos you usually dun eat that during steamboat.
Then I saw someone taking that and place it on the hotplate to bbq. This reminds me of those japanese drama serial. They always have a stove, then they would start bbqing the cuttlefish. Along with it would be some chilled Sapporo Beer or Asahi Beer. It's so cool. Then I tried bbqing it on my own. The whole cuttlefish became very much smaller. The size almost reduced by half. Since I was bbqing bacon before the cuttlefish, the cuttlefish became very oily. Unlike the tv. But it taste good. When I was eating it, I was dreaming of chilled beer. Haha. I was trying to convince my youngest uncle to bbq cuttlefish by using my granny's charcoal stove next time. But he don't want and he was busy making his oily bbqed cuttlefish. haha. Once again, I have fallen in love with food. haha... How I wish someday I could bbq cuttlefish with a few good friends, then talked crap over Chilled beer. It feels so cool, with the wind blowing at us when we are bbqing. Haha. All I do is dream ... dream dream dream .... Arpan's Birthday ____________________________________________________ Below are the Pictures taken during Arpan's and Terence's Birthday Celebration (since Prab's not ard ... haizz). We went to eat Don's Pie. Even though the place is not halal, our muslims friends ate there too! Don't worry, they did not sin. The food there is halal, just that they sells alcholic drinks there, therefore they did not get the HALAL sticker from MUIS. Aswad even went to the kitchen to investigate. haha.
The chocolate cheese caker there is quite nice. We manage to get Arpan to finish half the cake, courtesy of SOMEBODY's suggestion. :). It's not me this time round. I think Prab will be very HAPPY if he's around. haha. Enjoy the pics. ![]() 1st Shot ![]() 2nd Shot ![]() Everyone's eating ![]() Unsightly look of me Globing ![]() Chocolate Cheese Cake ![]() Birthday cake happily joined with candles ![]() ![]() Terence and cake ![]() ![]() Arpan and Cake ![]() Terence and Arpan Cutting Cake ![]() ![]() Arpan Opened Pressie Arpan's hysterical facial expression is rather funny. But the funniest aint this. It was Faizal's story and the Q&A session. Heh schnook timeout - Episode 4 ____________________________________________________ One day, father and daughter are discussing bout car plate numbers.
Father : It's very hard to get car plate number with only 2 digits. Daughter: Yeah ... obviously, cos there are only 99 of them. Father: No. There's only 90 of them. Daughter: Is it? oh yah... oops. Close ____________________________________________________ Define closeness.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Senario: A's granny just passed away. A's friend: Hey, where is your grandmother's wake? We'll pop by someday. A : Nah.. It's okay. My family's not that close to her. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Actually, what defines closeness? Is it physical proximity? Or is it mental or intellectual communicatability? Or is it that you spend more time with the person, both of you are considered as close? Could you spend all your life living with someone under the same roof and do not understand him/her or doesn't feel close to him/her emotionally? Could you know someone for just a day, and feel as though you know the person like forever. Both of you have lots to talk about. But are you all close? Probably closeness to a person is more like feeling very comfortable with the person's presence at any point of time. On top of that, could be fully dependent on the person for emotional support or all other supports too. The other party should feel the same way as you. But it's a sad thing. How many people could confidently (without lying) say that he/she is close to their family? And they are their pillar of support. Singapore is a society of individualism. Everyone is striving to make a better future for oneself. Better living condition. For some, striving to buy a condo, a car, a Hermes Bag and all other materialistic stuff. Even family has been fragmented for the needs of individualism - more personal space. What is closeness between people? Is it a transitition stage for everyone? Just happen that 2 people happen to be at the same place at the same time. They became good friends or CLOSE friends. What if 1 of the friends move on to greener pasture without the other, would they still be CLOSE? What really defines closeness? Ask, and It Will Be Given ____________________________________________________ "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks find, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." Let me share a wonderful experience that had happened yesterday. I prayed for healing yesterday morning and sore throat immediately disappeared. To me this seemed like a miracle! Its like the hurt of my sore throat just vanished instantly into thin air! That same evening, I was thinking maybe I could pray for the weather too, since I have been doing this kinda stuff since young. So I prayed for good weather. And know what!!! Today when I woke up the sky was rather clear and sun rays where everywhere. So happen my media player was playing the song "Soak up the Sun" by Sheryl Crow. I really feel like soaking up the sun like sponge soaking up the water. SOAK!!! SOAK!!! SOAK!!! But I am still rushing my school work, so can't go out. For those who dunno my history of prayers - I used to pray of rain when I was in primary school, especially in primary one. Cos if it rains, we don't need to go for assembly or flag-lowering ceremony. Primary one kids are mostly exempted to go, but there are certain days of the week, the primary ones have to attend the assembly. So on those occasions I would pray for rain, so that I could go home earlier. Hehe. I would usually hide in my grandparents room and say "Dear Lord, can you please make rain this evening, when I am going home, a little bit will do. Amen." or something to that effect. And I rained everytime I prayed. haha.. I did not do it everytime, but I did it quite a number of times. Haha. It has been raining non-stop since that fateful day. I could clearly imagine how Noah might have felt when he was in the ark. That rain had lasted 40 days and 40 nights. While the monsoon rain this time round was just 10 days and I could not take it already. I was disheartening to see it rain and rain... haizz... I can see dark clouds forming outside my house now. Haizz. I could also empatize with those under the ruling of the WHITE WITCH - always winter but never christmas. I heard winter is worse than raining. So they must have felt even worse than me. Its wonderful to have SUNSHINE. :) Today I am 92% healed already. So Ask, and It Will Be Given! :) Thanks GOD. :) Halluncination Continues ____________________________________________________ Today's halluncination is slight different from yesterday.
Yesterday was seeing. Today was hearing. Which is worse. I don't know. Funny noises kept interupting my life. They are very noisy though they are different kind of noisness compared to Xiu Xiu. Xiu Xiu is erratic noisy. The Sounds are just noisy, irritating, disturbing me. For example, when I was in a lift, I could hear manly voices coming from outside the lift. Ain't possible right = Halluncination. I was burning the paper money, I can hear the paper money screaming for help when the fire devoured it. The fire charred the papers and turned it to ash soon after. I realised it was a two-step process. This reminded me of a verse in bible. "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." It's just a part and parcel of life. Everyone have to go through the stage of physical death. Only Jesus could grant eternal life. But how many people believe? How many people heard of the good news and truly believed? How many people are there who simply ignore? This is rather disheartening. . . |