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mylife mystyle recent perks
remember those times
rommies of my life
reading .N.O.T.E.S. |
Toys ____________________________________________________ Today, my mum force me to clear my toys from the huge pile of store room stuff. She said I had too much toys and I should give away some. There was no space in my store room for my toys. :( . .
So I had to harden my heart, and decided which to give up. When I look at them, memories of yester-years came back. Those were the days when I only had them. ![]() Belinda, which my dad taught me how to say as Berina. My first Cabbage Patch Kids. My favorite Doll. Very Huggable. ![]() My Tangs Christmas Free Gift Bear. I first saw this bear on TV, then I kept bugging my mum that I wanted this for birthday. After approximately one month of yeaning for the bear, my mum finally got it on the last Sunday before Christmas for my birthday. Now the nose is gone. Heh. ![]() These two are my favorite. Since the bear has a bow-tie, he is the husband and my Berina is the wife. I love to play marriage for the both of them.
Dolly This has been with me for many year, probably since 1 plus 2. I dun remember why I called her Dolly. Maybe she got the Dolly look. The poodle Dolly look. It is a sheep. Maybe the cloners copy me. Heh. ![]() Orange Monster I thought this looked like monster since I was young. It is orange ribbon for her hair, so I called it Orange Monster. I think I got this around the same time as dolly. ![]() Big Monster This looked like my orange monster. So I called it Big Monster. I think Auntie Peh got me this for birthday many many years later after I had my orange monster. See it is so white. I wont be surprise if I never play with it. ![]() Hair-Color changing Girl My dad bought me this doll. Her hair color can change according to extreme temperatures. She used to have long hair. But one day, when I was slightly older, I cut her hair short. Firstly, because her hair was dropping everywhere in my room. Secondly, out of jealously, cos my mum just forced me to cut my hair short. Thirdly, I want to make her looked like me. ![]() Mrs McBear I thought this series is one of the nicest toys MacDonald’s had produced. I love the Bear family set. Too bad I only had the mummy. ![]() Mrs Rabbit My cousin Keng got this for me. I think from Taiwan when she went there for Training. It is the softest soft toy I had. And when you press the butt, there will be sound. ![]() Memo Bear Uncle Tiong got this for my birthday too. It is a tiny bear. I did not use it or play with it before. ![]() My second Cabbage Patch Kids Doll. This one, I dun remember the name. But I remember she used to have vanilla smell when I first got her. My mum bought this for me after Cabbage Patch Kids factory reopen, when I was in secondary school. ![]() My 2 Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls ![]() I remembered I got this in SAJ funfair. But dun remember how I got it. ![]() My Most Expensive Bear According to the person that gave me, this is the only one in the whole world, cos it is hand-sewn. It cost hundred over dollars. ![]() Pink Sleepyhead Thought this looked quite cute and told Jan about it when we were in Takashimaya. He bought it for me cos he thinks it looks like me.
Babaa My favorite neopet Petpet. These are not the only toys I had. Some of it is still in my room, some of it I din take fotos, e.g. my biggest bear, my Rose bear family (Me2You bears), some birthday pressies, some cookie monster. I wont be giving away all the toys above too. I just don’t BEAR to. KIWI ! ____________________________________________________ This clip is a Master Thesis' Animation. It is damn sad lor, but very nicely drawn and conceptualized. But Aswad thinks it is very funny. :S "Kiwi!" is an animation about a Kiwi - a type of bird that cannot fly, who spends its whole life working towards achieving his dream. The kiwi strived to create the illusion that it was flying over a forest as it soared down through the sky from the top of a cliff. Thus, the kiwi spent what must have been its whole life nailing trees to the side of a cliff. All this, to fulfil its one dream of flying, even though it was technically unable to. For more information, click here. ROY and the Almightly ANT ____________________________________________________ This is a story of 2 heroes - Roy and the Almight Ant.
The first meeting of these 2 heroes is coincidental and interesting. Today, the Ant was hunting for food like any normal day. From far, he saw a long tube. "There must be food! I could bring this back to my lovely queen.", he thought. So without second thought, he dived into the tube. The tube is actually the straw of our the other hero, ROY. Roy was happily drinking his ice mixed fruit drink in NUS Arts Canteen. Then he saw the ANT diving into his tube. He realised that the ANT was trapped inside the heap of ice. In order to save the ANT from freezing to death, he opened to cup cover and brought the ANT to safety. "I wonder if the ant is dead or hibernating?" He said, while removing ice from the ANT's body. After a while, the ANT started moving, which confirmed that the ANT was hibernating. Roy was glad that the ANT was alive. During the Ant's hibernation, he had a dream. He dreamt that his queen was sleeping with other ants. This made him very sad. This was very true, every queen will have alot of ants as concubines. The thought of his queen not belonging to him alone made him feel hopeless and directionless. He felt like killing himself. He saw a puddle right in front of him, he plucked up his courage and walked towards it. Water gushed over him. After awhile, Roy saw him in the middle of the pool of water. "Oh dear, why do you come in here? You'll drown!" Roy said. He used his straw and move the ANT's body to dry land. However, after another few minutes, Roy saw him floating in another the pool of water. "You can't save a sucidal ant who wants to die." I commented. But Roy refused to give up. He used the straw once again and move the ANT's body on top of a tissue paper. This time round, we saw the ANT drying its body on the tissue paper. Roy: Don't you walk into the water again. Okay? Jiayann: So what are you going to do about the ant? Me: Yah, how 'bout you set it free in the wild. (pointing towards the hilly grass patch beside Arts Canteen) Then we are ready to leave the place, and Roy really brought the ant to the grass patch. Roy is the Hero that saves. The Almightly Ant is the ant that don't freeze, don't drown. He's a survival! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Anyway we are there to celebrate Jiayann's birthday. Jiamin is the one that organises it. :) . Thanks Jiamin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIAYANN. ![]() JiaYann surprised by her gift and cake. ![]() Jiayann and CAKE ![]() Jiayann blowing the candles Pig's Trotter ____________________________________________________ Today, I brought pig's trotter to school. Not the edible one. My ankle swell since last night because of a stupid mosquito bite. It became so bad that it looks as if a sprained ankle. I do feel abit uncomfortable walking around because of it size.
I hate mosquito!!!! Maybe I am cursed for eating the pig's trotter on sunday also. It has a weird smell, maybe it is special pig. And hence the curse..... Saturday - Mosquito bite me Sunday - I eat pig's trotter Monday - My leg becomes "pig's trotter" The swell was not as bad on Sunday. It became very bad on Sunday night, after I ate the pig's trotter. Evil pig!!! I shall eat more of you!! Just now, during biz law break time, I accompanyed Drew for a smoke. Since I abit boliao, so started taking foto of my swell. Heh. Drew was so disgusted by me. Muahaha. Dun care. Bleh.
____________________________________________________ It's all my fault.
All my wrong choices. ____________________________________________________ . OLD . FAT . UGLY . ULTIMATE FAILURE . |